The simplistic art style and the online multiplayer make it a great game to lay around in the house and play. In my opinion Fat Princess is a perfect fit for the PSP. It’s priced at $20.00 and includes a bunch of new features. Now Fat Princess is on the PSP via UMD and/or download. Fixes were promised but they took too long to issue and most of the people were already on to the next game by the time they came around. It was a nightmare and it turned a lot of people off of the game. I remember playing for 2 hours at a time and only being able to get a few games in. It was a great PSN title, but it was plagued by many online lag issues. Fat Princess also came with modes such as team deathmatch, invasion, and a few others. The more people helping you carry her, the easier it is. The twist is that you can feed the princess cake to make her fat, thus making her harder to move. The main mode is to capture the princess, this is a lot like capture the flag but there is a twist. I was pretty excited for Fat Princess as it had a really cool multiplayer aspect that we’ve never seen before. Fat Princess was a PSN title priced at $15.00. Fat Princess was a silent hit on the PS3. It took a “cutesy” art-style and it added some blood and it became a slightly mature multiplayer title.