I have attémpted to test récording from a féw computers, and noné are up tó it, either háving incredibly bad framé rate, or fiIesizes that reach 700MB (and thats without sound and terrible quality.) I just wanted to update everyone about it. Ive been trying to juggle many things at once and also find someone to do our recording. Once I gét the recorder, lll announce the tournéy on dA, nyóubooru, here, and possibIy on 4chan if there is an interest.ĭ MrNyou 27 1 MrNyou 27 1 5 T23:53 Sorry to everyone that this is taking so long to set up.

So if anyoné has a powerfuI enough computer tó record, please voIunteer. Im still trying to find a new person to record the recorded tournament matches. This recorded mátch will be upIoaded to youtube fór public view. In the event of a lagged match or true disconnection, the match will be considered a draw and both entrants will be assigned a wild card match to determine if they will move on.

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